22 comments on “Project Einherjar

      • I’m digging this mod but i have one complaint. Im getting various spacew3 texture is missing from several different linedefs in pretty much every level is there a way to fix this? i tried it on all 8 versions of gzdoom i have including 2 of those which are dev builds.

  1. On 90% of maps, i explore everywhere, find all the secrets, go back and forth – still cant get 100% kill rate. What gives ? Are there some extremely specific spawn conditions ?

  2. This is a really fascinating one. Fantastic fucking work on Episode 1. Just finished it and it was a real blast.

    • Thanks man, appreciate it. Hope you like the rest of the episodes and the other two mods. I’m working on a comic in a more fleshed out version of this universe.

  3. Is support still being offered? I can’t seem to start the first episode.

    command used: “gzdoom -iwad doom2.wad -file ./PE-Stuff.pk3 -config ./config.ini” (I keep separate configs for different TCs I play)
    When selecting the first episode, CTD. When run in terminal:
    “MAP01 – Checkpoint Charlize

    /usr/include/c++/12.2.1/bits/stl_vector.h:1123: std::vector::reference std::vector::operator[](size_type) [with _Tp = MIDISong2::TrackInfo; _Alloc = std::allocator; reference = MIDISong2::TrackInfo&; size_type = long unsigned int]: Assertion ‘__n size()’ failed.
    Aborted (core dumped)

    So far, this is the only TC I have had issues with.

    Version GZDoom 4.10.0
    Arch Linux, fully up to date

    I am trying to compile and older version of GZDoom (3.7.2) but it keeps failing. If this is the fix, I will look into it further.

    • Did you try just dragging the pk3 onto the gzdoom exe? that’s all you should need to do. otherwise it must be a linux thing. It’s worked on every gzdoom version for me and others.

      • uhmmm…. Arch Linux… exe files do not execute unless run through WINE. I have a native Linux build of GZDoom installed.

        Specifying the location of an iwad, then additional files followed by the location of an INI works on every other Total Conversion I have run,
        This project mentions a GZDoom version which is older than what I have installed. I have moved on to other TCs and testing a personal ‘universal’ mod load order for any wad I might play so figuring out how to compile an older version of gzdoom is not my priority. If I HAVE to use an older version, then I will look in to it more. I am just seeking out if either someone has a 3.7.2 Linux binary compiled they can transmit to me, I am not expecting that as it is out of scope for supporting the mod (though it would be nice) or if there is an INI tweak I need to make before running GZDoom or whatnot.

  4. hello. I am a Korean gamer
    I’m really enjoying your games.
    Are there any questions.
    I know Project Einherjar is the first in a series.
    Is Operation Sea Wolf the second series?
    Is Midgard Outlaw the second series?
    After finishing the Einherjar project, I would like to move on to the next project.
    Which game should I play?
    If there are any additional systems or enemies, I’d like to do them last.

    • Hello! Chronologically Sea Wolf is next, and Outlaw is last. I don’t know about what order to recommend playing my other stuff, but Day of the Toys is considered my best, and my personal favorite. Day of the Toys, Chakan, and Splatterhouse are all great for the Halloween season, too. Have fun!

      • Thanks for your reply.
        I’m looking forward to the other games because they look so fun.
        Can I ask one last question?
        Can I deal more damage if I land a headshot?
        Or is the damage value different for each part?
        Thank you for allowing us to enjoy a good FPS game once again.
        I would like to introduce it to single FPS users in Korea.

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