6 comments on “Keep the Politics Out of Your Writing Advice

  1. There is indeed a lot of bullshit on Mythcreants; but they keep the social justice stuff seperate from their quite excellent writing advice.
    Your doing yourself a disservice if you ignore it simply because you dont agree witj their politics.
    Although the social justice stuff is a bit over the top (i’m quite sure no amount of research will quallify me to write about family life during The Blitz (and my ansetors are at least half british)) they always back themselves up with interesting facts that will help you look at things through a new lense, which is what writing is all about.

    • I don’t recall reading articles where they kept them separate, honestly. Their writing advice too often comes off like it’s meant less to be about writing well, and more about writing their way. Besides which there are other sources like the ones I listed where you get the same kind of writing tips politics-free.

  2. Little late to this, but thank you for this post. I remember first finding Mythcreants not long ago and seeing some pretty good advice, but red flags popped up here and there. I’m the type who wants to stray from politics, both ways, when it comes to games; I subscribe strongly to the idea that politics have no place in a game unless they’re in-game politics. I started picking up on stuff like “trigger warnings”, links to other articles talking about “tropes” to avoid including avoiding “abhorrent politics” which they follow up with a Trump jab. Seeing this has made me realize that, in fact, they’re not there to give writing advice, but to give THEIR advice through a political lens. Can’t stand that stuff and it’s getting more common by the day.

    • Fortunately they’re not very good at masking it. Another dead giveaway is how often they use Doctor Who in their examples, pretty much a go-to show for that crowd. They probably use a lot of Steven Universe as well, but I haven’t been back to find out.

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